Happy February!!!

So on the one hand, February is a  cold, dark, dank, middle-of-the-winter, depression-inducing month.

On the other hand, this is the month I celebrate birthdays -- my own, my dad's and Drew's.  Not to mention Valentine's Day and President's Day, a three-day weekend.

I joined Blogher's NaBloPoMo again this month.  Hey, I can easily blog for 28 days in a row, so why not?

The theme this month is:  MAKE

By that, the folks at Blogher mean "be creative, try something you haven't done before." 

As in,

This month we want to celebrate you and your creativity. Hopefully by writing about projects gone right (or even... er... wrong) you'll be inspired to roll up your sleeves and try something new.

I'm game for something new, maybe I will try something creative.

Or perhaps blogging alone will be enough for my creative impulses.

Let's see how this month plays out.
