The thing about local baseball...

Last night was "Jewish Heritage Night" at Bethpage Ballpark.

The first 1500 fans to enter the ballpark each received a "L'Chaim Cup":

The flag of Israel flew beneath the American flag, and Hatikvah was played:

"The Star Spangled Banner" was sung by a synagogue choir. 

And the scoreboard, the cards introducing the players were altered to fit the night's theme:

I wanted a photo of the pitcher's introduction  card -- he was #18.  By the time I got my camera out, his card was gone, never to return -- they use the DH in Atlantic League baseball,   "18" is chai, and that means life -- but there was no life in the pitcher, he couldn't seem to find the strike zone.

We stayed until the bitter score 5-2. 

Our next Ducks game will be a playoff game, at the end of September.
