get up and move

So I went to visit my friend in the hospital.  Things are worse than I thought.  I hope I was able to cheer her up a bit.   Our visit left me more worried about her than I was before I saw her.

We were talking about Sunken Meadow.  She told me that she and her daughter went to the park and sat on the boardwalk, how it reminded her of when she was younger and she'd go to Sunken Meadow to swim. 

And I told her how I go up to Sunken Meadow occasionally to walk the boardwalk.

And then she asked me how old I am.  And when I told her -- I'm ten years younger than she is -- she said something about how great it is that I am still so active at my age, when she was my age she was beginning to "wind down". 

I am going to assume that what she meant by "wind down" is exclusively about physical activity.  I've known this woman for probably about 6 or 7 years, and she leads a very busy and rewarding life.  She loves her music and she loves her students.  And she needs to get well and get back to that life.

But her comment sparked a memory.

Flashback to Memorial Day weekend, 1990.  Drew and I and a group of friends went to Lake Gorge for the long  weekend.  One of the highlights of that trip was Ausable Chasm, billed as "the Grand Canyon of the Adirondacks."  We took a basic walking tour of the chasm.  And one of our friends marveled at how I was able to do the tour, how I was able to keep up the pace, considering that I was in the second trimester of pregnancy.  It hadn't occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to do a simple walking tour.  I mean, it's not like we rappelled down the canyon walls....

I guess it's all a matter of perspective.  I've never been much of an athlete, I've always been an overweight couch potato.  My love for physical activity is a very recent thing.  If I'm a role model, an example of "being active", we are in a sorry state indeed.

But yes, I'll keep moving. The lternative is unacceptable.
