Wordless Wednesday

 My first attempt at a noodle kugel.  Main ingredients are egg noodles, cottage cheese, sour cream and raisins. I made a huge pan of it, so I am very glad it freezes well.


  1. Never heard of this before, but I'll have some. Looks mighty tasty.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. It's been years since I've had a noodle kugel, and my husband isn't a fan. However, now I'm having the urge. Too bad it isn't kosher for Passover. I'll have to find another excuse. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  3. Ah yes, freeze and then you have treats for weeks :)

  4. Never heard of it, but it looks interesting🙂



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