Wednesday HodgePodge

1. March 9th is National Get Over It Day...what's something you need to 'just get over already'? 

I've worked very hard these past few years to get over a lot of anger and bitterness.  So the only thing I need to "get over" right now is the pandemic.

2. Something you're currently 'over the moon' about? 

We got our first taste of spring weather this week!

3. What's something you're 'chewing over' these days? (meaning-thinking over carefully)

In 1994 I bought a brand new 1995 Corolla, drove that car for 21 years until it died a slow, painful death.  I loved that car.  I replaced it with a blue 2013 Prius C. I named the car "Peanut" (Jeff Dunham fans will get the reference.)

What I have been thinking I drive the Prius until it dies?  Or should I think about trading it in before it completely loses its trade-in value?

4. The last thing you cooked or ate that was overdone? 

I was making a meat sauce for pasta.  Cooked the chopped meat so long that I accidentally set off the smoke alarm.  Won't let that happen again.

5. In celebration of hitting volume 411 in the weekly Hodgepodge, give us the 411 on something happening in your life in the next 30 days. 

Passover.  I completely missed the holiday last year because of the lockdown, and Drew was so sick at the time. We're still not able to do our pre-Covid celebration, but there will be a Seder in my future this year.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Now that the weather is nice again, I am going to have to start taking walks and get into better shape.


  1. I want to take more walks now too. We tend to, with the family, but not as often when it is cold. I'd love to get back to riding bikes too.

  2. Hi Hodgepodge neighbor! I included spring weather in my answers today too! I'm up north and it was so lovely to see sunshine and warm temps. I love that you name your cars, so fun!

  3. I think we are all ready for Spring! Happy Hodgepodge to you!

  4. As someone who's still driving her '93 Honda, drive it 'til the wheels fall off ;) Although, getting a new car every so often is a nice treat for oneself.


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