Sunday stealing

1. Do you put ketchup on hot dogs?

Sometimes.  I like them with mustard and sauerkraut or ketchup and relish.

2. How many TVs in your house?

I live alone, in a small apartment.  I have a TV in my living room and a second set in my bedroom.

3. Do you put salt on watermelon?


4. Can you swim?

Like a fish.

Well, that is, I could swim like a fish when I was a kid.  Not so much anymore.  I do like to swim, but I am so out of shape...  Sort of like Shelley Winters' character in The Poseidon Adventure.  

5. Are your parents still alive?

My mother is 88 years old.  My father passed away in 2015.

6. First car?

The one I learned to drive on, or the one that was actually mine?

I learned to drive on my mom's Buick Electra.  Great car.  

My first car was my a hand-me-down from my dad, a 1973 Olds Cutlass that he gave me in 1982.  Fondly referred to as "the rust bucket".

7. Surgeries?

Too many. You don't need to hear the gory details.

8. What do you drink in the morning?

Coffee, of course.  I like mine with milk or half and half.

9. Can you do 100 push ups?

Nope.  Not even one.

10. Can you change a tire?

Isn't that why I pay roadside assistance fees?

11. Tattoos?


12. Do you wear sunglasses?

I have transition lenses in my regular glasses, and I also own prescription sunglasses.  I usually don't use the sunglasses...

13. Do you have a phobia?

A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something..  A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. I think everyone has fears, sometimes disproportionate to the risk, but not necessarily  rising to the level of "phobia".  

I don't think I have an actual phobia, but I really don't like driving over bridges and causeways.  I imagine driving over the side of the bridge and landing in the water.  It doesn't stop me from driving down to the beach, etc. -- I have to use a causeway and a couple of bridges to get there -- but I do feel uncomfortable.

14. Do you have a nickname? 


15. Are you a picky eater?

Not at all.  When I see the "picky eater" lists on Facebook I have to laugh, because I will eat most of the items on any of those lists.  


I managed to reach adulthood without ever eating an oyster.    And then I was at a business dinner where the host provided a lot of different types of shellfish, including raw oysters.  Everyone was enjoying them, and they urged me to try one.

So I picked up an oyster, brought the shell to my lips...and my lips clamped shut.  No way was that oyster moving into my mouth. Not happening.  No way...

Everyone laughed, but I didn't care.

Since then, I have tried fried oysters, didn't care for them. So oysters will never be on my plate...



  1. I'm with you on oysters. The last time I ate one, I had to lie down for a long time. Sick as a dog. No more oysters ever! However, salt on watermelon is just fine with me.

  2. I have a friend that is also not a fan of driving over bridges. I do ok except there was a bridge in Tampa, FL and it went on and on with no sides. I just knew the bridge was going to fall into the ocean or we would drive off of it. I hated that experience. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

    1. The worst bridge I ever tackled was the one leading to Newport, Rhode Island

  3. I never knew ANYONE to salt watermelon!
    I'm with you on tire changing. I could learn, but I don't want to. Same with charging a battery. So, I have AAA. I get my money's worth, too!
    Oh, I hear you with the bridge thing! I fear driving over bridges and I fear dams. Even photos of dams. My mother's fault. As a child we vacationed near too many dam* dams, and we'd go to the center and she'd say, "Look down, Lisa! Look down!" I have reoccurring dreams (are they reoccurring, or is that part of the dream?) where I miss the last exit and am forced to go onto a bridge, where you can see the water through holes in the road! I avoid them. Now, I'm all nervous thinking about dams!

  4. My husband loves oysters and took me to an oyster restaurant so I could try all sorts of ways of having them. You'd think I would like them deep fried, but no. I just am not an oyster liker (definitely not a "lover")

  5. I ate fried oysters until I developed a shellfish allergy; now I avoid all fish, which is unfortunate. But that was the only way I would eat oysters.

  6. I have not thought of the Poseidon Adventure in years! I laughed out loud when I read your comment and saw the picture. I'm not particularly fond of oysters either. I have eaten ONE raw one on a cracker with a lot of cocktail sauce and I have eaten ONE fried one. I would never order them. :-)

  7. I'm so glad you said that about prescription sunglasses! I have an optometrist's appt this month and was considering getting a pair, but wondered if I'd really wear them.

  8. Oh, I'm with you 100% on oysters. Yuck!! Have a joyfilled week!

  9. Coffee, of course? Maybe for you, but coffee is a no-go for me. (And I am a picky eater, but we won't go into that.)

    1. Of course I know not everyone drinks coffee. Anyone who knows me knows I can’t survive without my coffee, Remember I just bought a new toy, a Hamilton Beach coffeemaker?

  10. I’ve never had raw oysters, but I have had Oysters Rockefeller and it’s quite good. We do bacon wrapped smoked oysters for the holidays. I’m not against raw foods...I like most kinds of sushi, it’s just raw oysters look so unappetizing.
    Enjoyed your answers.

  11. Raw oysters are yucky, but my husband got oysters Rockefeller and they were not too bad because they are cooked with butter, lemon and herbs. But they sure were pricey!

  12. Oh GOd - you've reminded me of the only time I ate an oyster. It was utterly utterly revolting. I generally avoid shellfish now because of it.

    They aren't meant to be eaten.





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