Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. The Hodgepodge lands on the last day of ten words or lest bid the month adieu. 

Farewell, March, and may your winds sweep the pandemic into oblivion.

2. March 31st is National Tater Day...your favorite way to have a potato? Given a choice would you opt for sweet, white, or red? How often are potatoes on your menu in one form or another? Ever been to Idaho? If not, is that a state you'd like to visit someday?

I've never been to Idaho.  I've heard part of it can be beautiful.  

I do like potatoes, and I also like sweet potatoes.  I will bake a sweet potato and top it with cinnamon sugar butter.   

As for white potatoes....this week I made a potato kugel  -- that's a pudding made with grated potatoes, onions, eggs, a little oil and usually some flour, but for Passover I used matzo meal.

3. Last time someone or something 'rained on your parade'? Explain. 

How about some literal rain?  We went to a communal Passover Seder that was held outdoors under a tent. Lovely service, delicious dinner.  As dinner was  ending, the organizer stood up and said "folks, I don't mean to rush you, but  we're going to serve dessert right now. I'm told we're going to get a torrential downpour in about 40 minutes..."

Before he even finished speaking, the skies opened up and the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down...

Fortunately the tent held...and the rain ended about 10 minutes later.

4. Put all your eggs in one basket, get cracking, nest egg, bad egg, good egg, egg on, have egg on your face, or walk on eggshells...choose a phrase from the list that applies to something in your life currently and tell us how or why.

I used my nest egg to feather my nest. (Yeah, bird puns because my name is Robin.) I moved house in December and I've been using some of my savings to fix up the new apartment.

5. If I visited your home would I find a lot of baskets there? Something you like to keep in a basket? 

I have a "snack basket" that I keep on top of the refrigerator.  You'll usually find cookies or crackers in the basket.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Baseball is back.  Let's Go Mets!


  1. Happy Passover to you! Wow, I'm glad the tent 'held' through the rain storm.
    Can we still be friends if I say, "Go Dodgers"?

    1. Of course we can be friends. My dad was a Dodger fan until they moved to California.

  2. Happy Passover. I would like to try your recipe. California girl here. Happy to celebrate now that I have had my vaccines. I am a Disney fan and hope to go by the end of the summer. It will be really busy when it reopens at the end of April. I love crusing too.

  3. Your kugel sounds delicious. Love your ten words or less!! Happy Passover!

  4. Happy Passover. Glad you got your dessert. That would have been terrible if the rain washed that out.

    1. They probably would have packed it up to take home, but It was better to be there

  5. Happy Passover! I'm so glad the tent held!!


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