Work, work, work, work

Work is stressful lately. The job is interesting, but the politics and personalities ....still, I think I'm managing to keep everyone happy. The change has been good for me.

Drew's summer vacation comes to an end tomorrow. So now we can both deal with workplace stress. At least this year the classes he's going to teach are in his comfort zone.

Becca is loving her job. Some days they run her ragged, but then there are days... She's sent on an errand via car service, then allowed to go home early in the car. She's considering law school, but she's also considering taking a Master's. She's got time to figure it out.

Jen isn't working this week. The last day of camp was August 22, and she doesn't have to report to school until September 2. She'll be at the middle school this year. In the meantime, she's on vacation -- in London and Paris.

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