More this and that

Jen sent me a text from Paris, saying she never wants to come home. Sigh. I know just how she feels – and I’ve never actually been to Paris. I really need a vacation.

She’ll be starting another year as a paraprofessional, but this year she’ll be in the middle school. And she’ll be coaching cheer at the high school. Keeps her busy.
I spoke too soon about Drew teaching entirely in his comfort zone. When Drew got his teaching credentials, special education teachers weren’t required to certify in a specific subject matter, so he can be called upon to teach almost any subject. The Powers That Be at his high school recognize his preference for a Social Studies curriculum, and that’s what he always winds up teaching when he’s got a self-contained class. But when he’s the second teacher in an inclusion class --- well, last year he taught Life Science, and this year they gave him an Earth Science class.

When they hired me for this job, back in June, they said I’d be working from Long Island after 90 days of being in the city. Today I found out something that confirms we’re right on schedule. I am hoping to be in the Long Island office on October 1.

Our Long Island office is across the street from one of the last farms in the community. They do a haunted house and a corn maze every year. Jen loved to go there with her friends. Becca went a few times, too, but I don’t think it was really something she loved. I heard they also have a farm stand, I hope I can get some apples there, the varieties you can’t always find in the supermarket. Though come to think of it, there’s another farm stand a bit further down the road where I used to buy macouns.

My Wantable and Julep subscription boxes have shipped. Reviews will be forthcoming when the boxes arrive.

Becca is already becoming tired of the commute. Last night she had an errand to run for work and didn’t get to Penn until after our usual train had left the station. We also had to run a few personal errands when we got off the train – she needed to go to the supermarket to pick up some goodies for today’s office party, I needed gas in my car, and we both needed dinner (we went to Panera, quick, easy and tasty). By the time we got home, she was so tired that she just ate her sandwich and went to bed.

It’s Labor Day weekend, and I can’t believe how quickly the summer has gone by! I know we did a lot – you can see the evidence in this blog – but there was so much more I wanted to do …time just sort of ran out, didn’t it? Tonight we’re going to a Ducks game – our last of the season, unless they make the playoffs – and on Sunday we close out the summer with a BBQ at Drew’s house. At the moment Drew is still not talking to his sister, so I am wondering what might happen on Sunday.

But it has, in fact, been a very full summer. The excitement of a new job. Some great restaurants. Barbecues, ball games, Broadway shows, concerts, the Dark Shadows convention and the Renaissance Faire. I hope the autumn will be just a full, just as exciting.

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