Wednesday HodgePodge

1.  What's happening where you live in terms of schools opening? How do you feel about it?

I don't have children or grandchildren who would be affected by the school issue, but Drew is a teacher.  He retired from full time teaching a few years ago, but then took a job as a permanent substitute to supplement his pension.  So he has an interest in whether schools reopen, as there is no need for substitute teachers if  school is exclusively done as distance learning.

Governor Cuomo has asked schools to come up with three plans — fully open, fully distance learning, and a hybrid.  We will know this week which plan will go forward.

2. What's something you still do 'old school'?

I work with computers all the time, love using them.  But when I go to a meeting and have to take notes, I use paper and pen.  I’ll organize the notes at the computer, but I find it easier to write things down first.

3. August 4th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Will you/did you celebrate by baking a batch? Eating a batch? Nuts or no nuts? Homemade or store bought? Soft and chewy or do you prefer your cookie to snap when you bite into it?

I’m not much of a baker, and yesterday would not have been a good day to bake even if I wanted.  Long Island got hit by Isaias.  High winds, trees down, power outages.  We have a couple of branches down in the yard.  We had a few power dips, and lost internet/cable /phone for awhile.  The surge protector for the home theater burned out but did its job, the tv/dvd/stereo are fine.  The  charger for battery for Drew’s electric lawn mower self destructed — the power strip didn’t protect it.  Also lost a portable fan.  For awhile he thought his desktop was cooked, too, but it’s ok.   My laptop is ok, even though it was plugged in, but ...well, watching smoke pour out of the charger was not fun.

But my daughter and her boyfriend won’t have electricity back until later today.  Power was restored at my mom’s house at around 9 last night; my mom is 87, so I was worried.

And a friend got stranded in NYC — he works downtown, and he’s essential, so he was in his office.  He couldn’t get home because the railroad suspended service systemwide because of downed trees on the tracks.

4. What are you starved for?


5. Anything new and interesting on your August calendar? What is one thing you're looking forward to this month?

You’ve got to be kidding.  No baseball, no Broadway, no movies, no concerts ... and everyone afraid to get together.

Yesterday the Rockettes announced that there won’t be a Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall this year. First time since 1933.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.


  1. My parents don't have power back yet either and that concerns me because of their age and their health. Hopefully today. No Rockettes this year, Wow! I have loved watching them since I was a little girl.
    I like taking notes on paper and then transferring it to my computer later too. Glad your computer is okay. Normalcy would be nice right about now.
    Have a great week :)

  2. I am a retired teacher, and my school district will not be having any substitute teachers this year! Glad you all are safe from Isaias. Great song choice.

  3. Glad you didn't sustain any severe damage from the storm!

  4. Sorry about the damage from the storm. Glad your dear mom's power was restored and that she is fine. Hope the rest of the week goes well!

  5. I have to take notes the old school way as well.
    I hope your daughters electricity is back on now, or very soon.

  6. So very many disappointments. I also need to physically write things down as opposed to using just the computer. Stay well and hoping for brighter days ahead.

  7. Normalcy. It's like a far away dream, isn't it?
    Yikes to all that went on yesterday. I haven't had the news on so didn't see how bad you all had gotten hit. I'm glad everything and everyone is (mostly) okay!

  8. Thanks. It was bad around here yesterday, but it’s ok now.

  9. So glad you didn't experience more damage from the storm. There is something not right about a hurricane in Manhattan, but now you have an idea of what we Gulf Coasters endure a few times each year.

    1. Anyone who lives in a coastal area knows...I'm hearing we're going to have a very active hurricane season this year. Stay safe.

  10. Oh man, I'd be freaked about the computers. Glad yours survived. We got word at the end of the week that we're going virtual school. Should make for an interesting year.

  11. That was an adventurous time.
    It seems like every week our county and the places our grandchildren attend school are all making decisions based on the week. Everything keeps changing. My dil and her sisters are all teachers, so they are scrambling, too.
    Stay safe and well!


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