Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. What obligation do you believe you have to your country? 

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

I don't think we "owe" our country anything, what the country gives its citizens will be given regardless of how the citizens react.  What we should give our country?  We should give our loyalty to the country and to our fellow citizens.   We should freely offer our services to our country and to our fellow citizens.  We should willingly participate in activities that benefit the community.

2. October 12 is National Farmers Day? Do you know any farmers? What do they farm/grow/raise? Are there any farm stands where you live? Do you shop there?  

I don't know any farmers, but there are several farms and farm stands in the neighborhood where my mother lives.  And yes, I've spent a bit of money at the farm stands.

3. What's a skill you think everyone should have? Tell us why? 

Everyone should know the basics of cooking.  

4. Favorite thing you've purchased this year? 

I collect dragons, and recently added this one to my collection.

5. What's your favorite place to visit in the fall? 

I love walking  at Jones Beach in the off season.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I love fall foliage. We are finally starting to see the first signs of the leaves changing around here, and it's beautiful.


  1. Love the beach photos.
    Do you name your dragons? If so, what did you name your latest addition?

  2. Love the clouds in your picture!

  3. I saw an interesting book on Dragons at the Ark Encounter in Kentucky called Dragons Legends & Lore of Dragons. I love visiting a beach in the Fall or Winter. Happy Hodgepodge to you!

  4. That dragon is great. I found the greatest tiny crochet pattern for one, but it proved to be beyond my capabilities. Maybe someday...

  5. Beautiful photos thank you for sharing.

  6. I liked all your answers, but I do like how you approached #1. Cute dragon too. We used to love vacationing in the off seasons. Less people, less money spent and so enjoyable.

  7. I love the beach in the fall. It's my favorite season...we woke up to 43 degree weather this morning, which is unusual. I love it though and of course we're up to nearly 75 now so it's short lived.


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