Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1. Do you think intuition is as valuable as rational thinking? Explain why or why not.

I think both have a role.  

2. In the grand scheme of things____________________________. 

All the world’s a stage and men and women merely players.

3. Last place you went that felt like 'Grand Central Station'? Have you ever actually been to Grand Central Station (and by Grand Central Station I mean Grand Central Terminal)

I’m a Long Islander who used to work in NYC.  Of course I’ve been to Grand Central.  Many times.

And I have used the metaphor, too. Drew’s house felt like Grand Central at the beginning of the pandemic.  He has two roommates, and I was staying with him until I got a place of my own.  One roommate has a tween daughter, and she and the roommate’s ex were at the house frequently.  I was working from home, so was Drew, and the daughter was doing school remotely, so there were always a lot of people in the house. The comings and goings made the house feel like a railroad station.

4. October 6 is National Noodle Day. What's your favorite dish made with noodles and have you made/eaten this dish lately? 

I love noodles and pasta.  Most recently I made rigatoni with a meat sauce.   

But now I am experimenting with a traditional Jewish dish, noodle kugel.  There are thousands of recipes for kugel, most involve baking egg noodles in a dairy custard, usually with fruit. I never got my grandma’s recipe, so I’m trying to find one I like.

5. A time recently you had to really 'use your noodle'? Elaborate. 

The idiom means to use your intellect, to think logically and rationally.   It’s something I strive to do frequently.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Fall has arrived.  I actually had to close my windows last night.


  1. I love fall and the cooler weather. Can't wait for the leaves to start changing colors. Hope you have a great day.

  2. Oh I haven't had kugel in ages. I'd kind of forgotten about it. Now I think I'll go look for a recipe. Thanks for joining the HP today. Have a great week!

  3. I seem to recall a Good Eats episode with kugel. If you haven't tried that recipe, maybe? I couldn't tell you if it's good or not.


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