Music Monday

 And it's a "your choice" week.

Halloween is approaching, so how about theme songs from spooky TV shows?

Let's start with Dark Shadows.

How about The Munsters?

And if you mention the Musters, what else do you think of?

Let's move on to something different

Buffy is always interesting.

Hitchcock was always the master.

Are you Bewitched?

Of course there is the classic...

And finally, returning to the Dark Shadows theme, here's a little video I shot a few years ago.


  1. Robin,

    Excellent theme for this week! I enjoyed listening to all of these old theme songs which are perfect choices with Halloween approaching. Dark Shadows was a favorite from my childhood. I started watching the series several years ago but never finished it on Amazon Prime. I need to pick up where I left off if I can remember. :) Thanks for adding a little creep to the dance floor in our morning. Oh yeah, who's in the video that you recorded? I can't tell. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

    1. That is David Selby a/k/a Quentin Collins. "Shadows of the Night" was Quentin's theme.

  2. This will definitely be the most seasonal playlist I will see and hear today. Really well done. Have a blessed week.

  3. So very sweet. It put a huge smile on my face.

  4. I can't view the last video, for some reason (nothing is visible). However I enjoyed the nostalgia of the 60's show themes. Dark Shadows was huge in my high school although I, personally, never got into it. And, earlier, there were Addams famiy fans vs. Munsters fans. Never watched Buffy or X Files, but enjoyed these all. Remember when TV shows had actual theme songs? Alana


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