Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite color?

Bet you can’t guess.

Hint, I’m using it right now.

Yes, I’m a purple girl.

2. If you could get on a plane tomorrow and travel anywhere, where would you go?

Oh, so many possibilities!  Spain.  Morocco.  Japan.  Jerusalem.  

3. Were you closer to your mother or to your father

Definitely my mother.  I loved my father dearly, may he Rest In Peace.  But I was always closer to my mom.  

4. What is your favorite meal (savory and dessert)

Again, so many choices.  Last night we went to a Brazilian churrasqueria, ate all sorts of barbecued meats, salads, etc.  I’m always happy to go out for Chinese, or Japanese, or Italian, or Greek ...

A good steak with a baked potato, shrimp cocktail for an appetizer, and I’m quite content.

Set me loose in my favorite bakery and I’m likely to bring home cheesecake or cannoli or rainbow cookies or chocolate mousse cake.

5. Can you wink with each eye?  (How about curl your tongue)

Yes, I can wink with either eye, but curling my tongue is difficult.
6. Beach or forest?

Either.  I live in a heavily wooded area and I love it, but I’m just a very short ride away from the beach,

7. City or farm?

Hmm.  I’m a suburban girl who loves the city.  I’d like to visit a farm, but I’m not sure I’d like to live there.

8. Would you rather be blind from birth or turn blind as a teenager?

I wish you hadn’t asked that.  It brings back a horrible memory.  Freshman year in college I participated in an experiment. It was to bring about disability awareness.   I had to go through an entire day wearing a blindfold.  I lasted about an hour.

9. Would you rather always be overdressed or underdressed?


10. If you could pass alone one of your attributes to your children, which would it be?

I already see so much of myself in my daughters.

11. What are you most insecure about?

I don’t like confronting my insecurities...

12. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?

Again, don’t ask about my insecurities...

13. What is the saddest you’ve ever felt?

So many things have made me sad over the course of my life.  When my marriage fell apart I was so sad that I could barely function,
14. Would you rather have your own private island, or your own private jet?

You mean I can’t have both?  I’ll take the jet,

15. How do you think you will die?

Weird question.  I’ll probably die from an illness. 


  1. I shudder at the thought about not my cup of tea, grin. And let's not even go there about insecurities. sigh.

    Morocco seems like a fun place to visit and you and I would get along just fine if we met up and went to a bakery, grin.

    Have a great day, friend. smiles

    1. Thanks. You’ll have to come by so I can take you to Dortoni’s

  2. So did you have feijoada at the churrasqueria. I used to cook a lot of Brasilian when we had Brasilians living with us. Not many Brasilian restaurants around here, tho. But we are overwhemed with Chinese, Mexican and Thai.

    1. Of course I had feijoada! This one was made with pork sausage. I used to go to a Brazilian place on Restaurant Row in Manhattan that made their feijoada with chunks of pork. Either way is good.

      My aunt by marriage holds dual American and Brazilian citizenship, she grew up in Rio. She introduced me to Brazilian cuisine.

    2. We had lots of Brasilian students living with us and our son spent a year in Rio (a block from Copacabana beach) when he was 15. Poor kid wasn't able to get into school and had to spend his days on the beach! LOL.

  3. #6, oh how nice to have the best of both worlds! That is awesome! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  4. I live in a very rural, farm area and some farms are lovely to live on. Especially crop farms instead of livestock farms.

  5. I definitely did not like the last question and so I did change it. I am also in a wooded area in the Pine Barrens and the beach is a couple blocks up the street.

  6. I live on a farm. It's very quiet.

  7. I wish I lived closer to a beach - the nearest decent one is probably about an hoour away.




  8. Jerusalem would be a lovely place to visit. I have always wanted to visit the Middle East and experience the incredible ancientness of it and walk where the great figures of ancient history walked.

    I'm not crazy about confronting my insecurities, either, but I've been forcing myself to over the last couple of years in an effort to get over them. I've succeeded in a few and the others, well, I'm a work in progress.

    Have a great week!

    1. My parents went to Israel about 15 years ago and loved it

  9. One of the local high schools does a disability awareness assembly every year, and they were asking for volunteers to "try out" a disability. I'm sure the blindfold thing was one of the options. (They didn't get to choose.)

  10. I like your favorite meal. I haven't had shrimp cocktail in while. Yum.

  11. love your answers :) and my favorite color is PURPLE as well :) appy week ahead


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