It’s time for Sunday Stealing

Have you ever
1. Broken a bone?

Yes, I broke a bone in my pinkie.  Didn’t realize it was broken.  It healed, but the finger is now slightly crooked.

2. Broken a window?

3. Been on TV?

Yes.  It was 1980, and Long Island was inundated with gypsy moth caterpillars.  Local cable news station did a story on it.  And they interviewed me.

4. Had a friend who shared the same birthday as you?
No, but ...

My father’s birthday was February 17 and mine is February 18.

And I have a “cousin” aunt’s stepson ...whose birthday is February 19; he is one day younger than I am.

5. Locked your keys in the car?

My boyfriend Drew is famous  for locking his keys in his car.  Over the years he’s done it more times than I can count.  I’ve done it twice.  It was not fun.

6. Accidentally sent a text or email to the wrong person?
Yes, more than once.  Nothing terribly embarrassing, but... the worst is when you mean hit hit “reply” and instead hit “reply all”.

7. Sat in the back of a police car?


8. Fallen asleep at work?

A couple of weeks ago I went to work even though I was sick.  Accidentally fell asleep at my desk.

9. Made a snow angel?

Sure, when I was a child.

10. Ridden in an ambulance

Once.  It was scary.

11. Worst household chore: 

The litter box.  Ugh.

12 .Worst colour: 

Local bank just changed its name and its color scheme to the most horrible shade of green.

13. Worst pizza topping: 


14. Worst weather: 

I’m not fond of winter.  I don’t really like it when the air hurts my face.

15. Worst self-care job (e.g. dressing, washing, shaving, teeth, toe nails)

I’ve ached an age where I must take medicine every day.  Not fun.

16. Worst game: 

I like most games,  can’t think of one I don’t like,

17. Worst school subject: 

Math.  I dropped pre calculus in high school.  I was thrilled I didn’t have to take math in college.

18. Worst animal: 

I love animals...but if I have to choose...well, back in college I had a summer job at the beach...and we had a jellyfish invasion...and it was just so much fun cleaning dead jellyfish off the beach ...

19. Worst season: Winter.

20. Worst TV show: 

Agree with Bev ...any of the mating and dating shows, or most of FOX "news."  Or Rush Limbaugh. 


  1. Baaahahahaha {{GRIN}},...anchovies seems to be the #1 answer, LOL...Oh now, I feel the same way about CNN and Cooper Anderson, LOLOL. FOX gets on my nerves, actually ALL so called news does, sigh. Whatever happened to the news like Cronkite? Need more of the news-- news instead of 'fake'.

    1. The end of the fairness doctrine in the 80’s and the competitive nature of cable news networks, and we'reall living in our respective bubbles

  2. One of my great grandmother who my middle name is after "Ann" her and I have the same birthday. She was born Lincoln last birthday

  3. Like you, I know a few people whose birthdays are a day before mine, but not mine. (Since I don't know Harry Potter, that doesn't count.)

    I have slept at work, but only on prep periods :)

    I've locked my keys in the car once. My mother once locked her keys in the car, with me inside. I don't recall this as I was a baby (and unable to unlock the door) at the time.


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