#skywatchfriday -- a summer storm

There was a thunderstorm in progress when I got off the train one night.  torrential rain, thunder, lightning...Glad I had my umbrella.  I raced to the parking garage to get my car. 

As I pulled out of the garage, headed east, i saw this:

I looked northward and saw this:

I guess the storm was very localized.

I drove around the building, so that I was facing west:

I guess that explains the rainbow.

As I continued to drive westward, I watched the ever-changing sky:

(I do  so love to see planes in the sky).



  1. Storms do produce some interesting skies, especially if near sunset. I enjoyed your rainbow capture. Those are so much fun. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. First time visiting. Like your blog! I always enjoy a good storm as long as it doesn't bring any damage with it. Lovely rainbow shot!


  3. Storms here in NY state are awesome!! smiles

  4. Robin,

    We had a day like yours not long. I even captured a rainbow photo but in a car doing highway speed so it's not the best. :) It's interesting how this time of you have heavy rain one minute then beautiful blue skies with ginormous marshmallow fluff clouds. Nice photos! Thanks for visiting today and have a funtastic weekend!

  5. Beautiful photos. I love how every directions gave you a very different-looking sky!

  6. I am way west of you. Hope your day was good.
    Coffee is on

  7. It's trippy to have the storm on one side and the other nearly blue skies.


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