#skywatchfriday -- East River views

Looks like the Caribbean Princess is back in town.

(Yes, that's the Verrazano Bridge in the background.)

The usual helicopter traffic:

(Those folks are boarding a ferry.)

Interesting cloud patterns as you look up at the tall buildings:

 (Yes, that's the FDR Drive in the foreground.)

And then we all saw this sailing up the river towards the Brooklyn Bridge:

Look at the stern  -- is that Ireland's flag?

Well, the UN is in session this week, so visits by foreign dignitaries aren't unexpected....



  1. Dang, that cruise ship is humongous!! I love all the interesting activity on the water and the beautiful skyline!

  2. That is so cool. Too bad the one summer I worked downtown, I didn't have any views of the harbor. I enjoy yours! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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