Music Monday

Today is Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year.  It is a day of prayer and private contemplation.  

The holiday has put me in a nostalgic mood.  So today’s blog hop theme is bringing back sweet memories.

This week's theme:

First Grade Songs – songs that were popular the year you were in first grade (or when you were 6 yrs old)

Oooohh  .... 1966....

(yes, I'm old...)

But it was a great year for music.

The Beach Boys were surfing.

The Mamas and Papas were California Dreamin'

While Simon and Garfunkel were Homeward Bound

Tommy James gave us the Hanky Panky

And we will close it out with the Supremes


  1. Such classic songs. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Got you eat by 4 years. Great songs!

  3. Nice selections! Enjoyed listening to each of them.

  4. I got y'all beat by 10 yrs. I'm older than dirt I think. hahaha I'M YOUNG AT HEART THOUGH FOR SURE. Guess being married to a guitar/singer player in a rock & roll band keeps me young! hahaha Luvin' Supremes tune haven't heard that one in a while. Holy Cow Hanky Panky that tune was cool back then. Great handful of tunes here my friend. Thanks for playin' along with us.

  5. You are no where near old, so let me say how young you made me feel. These are songs from when I was in middle school - part of the soundtrack of my life (as I like to call it). Two of my favs here - Good Vibrations (the instrumentation) and California Dreamin'(the harmonies). Thank you for making me feel young again. Alana

  6. 1966 why you are still a youingun,my tunes are from 1958 when i was 6

  7. Robin,

    Age is only a number, don't let it make you feel old yet! We have plenty of time ahead to call ourselves old. :) You really pulled together some excellent tunes from the 60s. I love all of the artists you picked, especially Simon & Garfunkel and Tommy James & the Shondells. My auntie and her first cousin, Charleen, (recently passed) used to listen to Dian Ross and the Supremes when I was little. They are about 10 years older than me and I always looked to them as big sisters. :) Get this, in case you didn't know, Mary Wilson one of the original Supremes is on this season of DWTS. For her age, she does a good job on the dance floor, too. She seems like a nice lady. :) Thanks for joining the 4M party and have a boogietastic week, my dear!

  8. I didn't inhertied much for music talant. I did play the violin in school
    Coffee is on

  9. Pawsome! Hanky Panky is such a great song. Now we can't get that song out of our head anymore :D Simon and Garfunkel are still amazing. Granny was 8 in '66 :) Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

  10. Those are all classics for sure! I love them all! Thanks for the dance! :)


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