book challenge update

So now I've finished two more Pern books.  That means I've read three books towards the challenge.

The Dolphins of Pern by [McCaffrey, Anne]


The Skies of Pern by [McCaffrey, Anne]

Dolphins overlaps the time period of All the Weyrs of Pern, in which the citizens of Pern have discovered the landing site of  the original colonists, and the Artificial Intelligence known as AIVAS.  In Weyrs, AIVAS assumes the role of teacher and planner, updating the technological skills of Pern's people so as to enable them to rid the planet of Thread forever.

Dolphins begins with an incident  described in the previous novel, in which Masterfisher Alemi and and young Readis are rescued by "shipfish" when their boat overturns in a squall.   We come to learn that dolphins came from Earth with the original colonists, but they have been bio-engineered to enhance their communication skills and their memory of history.  We see men reestablishing a partnership with the dolphins.  Our main character, Readis, wants to become a dolphineer, despite his mother's objections.

Skies takes place a few years later.  The story is all about change -- the social upheaval brought about by the exploration of the Southern Continent and the technological advances brought about by AIVAS, the backlash from those who believe AIVAS to be an "Abomination", and the change of leadership from the characters we met at the beginning of the series to a younger, more technologically savvy generation.  The Dragonriders, facing a Threadless future, wonder what role they will play after this Pass is over.

Interestingly, there are some "loose ends", some unresolved situations, that seem to suggest McCaffrey was planning another sequel in this series. Maybe Todd or Gigi will write that book.

With these two books I have finished all of the Pern novels that are set 2500 years after the colonists arrived on Pern.  There are other novels, set at different times in Pern's history, but now it's  time to take a break from Pern and move on to the dystopian world created by Margaret Atwood.

I won't be rereading The Handmaid's Tale.   Having recently watched the Hulu series -- which didn't vary much from the book until it ran out of material from the book -- I think I can read the sequel without any gaps in understanding.  I also downloaded the Sparks Notes as a reference, should I need it (it's amazing what you can find in the public library).

so here we go.

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale by [Atwood, Margaret]


  1. Yes, I vaguely recall those Pern books. I think I stayed up most of the night for Weyrs.

  2. They’re a quick read, they’re fun. I hear that Anne was working on a sequel to Skies when she died. This far neither Todd nor Gigi picked up that book.

    Going from a fun read to serious lit now ...


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