New Year’s Eve “disaster”

So how was your New Year’s?

Ours was a disaster.

All  the “drama” about where to go for New Year’s ...  I wish that had been the worst of our problems.

It started Monday morning.

There are two bathrooms in Drew’s house, one on each floor.    The ceiling in the downstairs bathroom started leaking ...  as the day wore on, the water was gushing ...

Drew called his landlord.  Drew called a plumber,

The plumber initially thought the problem was originating from the shower in the upstairs bathroom.  He did a “quick fix” and told us he’d be back on Tuesday to finish the job,

The leak was supposed to stop overnight.  It got worse.

Tuesday morning the plumber told us that there’s a problem with the upstairs toilet.  But the real problem was with the radiator pipes in the ceiling between the two bathrooms.  Which meant the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom would have to come down.

Drew’s landlord was not happy...he called a different plumber.

The second plumber disagreed with the first.  He did not think the problem was with the radiator pipes.  He fixed everything in the upstairs bathroom, then turned on the water.  “We will know if it’s the radiator pipes if the leak comes back.”

We waited...and waited...and waited...

No leak.

No leak, no messy repair.

Our evening was saved.


  1. You just know that a demon exists who cooks up trouble like this on weekends and holidays.

  2. Shaking my head...I have a story for you too...funny, (not really) but my brother in-law just called and said they (he lives in my mother in-laws basement apartment) didn't have any hot water. The hot water tank is new...anyways--guess who has to go over and fix it? Yep, the younger, more mature brother (my husband). ANYWAYS---its one thing after another. I am so sorry Drew has / had an issue...especially on a holiday. sigh.

  3. Cynthia, I believe you’re right.

    Linda ...ugh.

  4. I'm so sorry. Water leaks are nothing to sneeze at. Glad the second plumber was able to fix the situation quickly.

  5. I refused to play into any NYE drama, so I went to bed at 9 PM and ignored the evening. I'm not sure why, but New Year's always makes me tremendously sad. So last night I ignored it.


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