Music Monday -- The Moody Blues

It's a "your choice" week....

And my choice is...the Moody Blues.

I saw them in concert at Westbury Music Fair in November 2012.  That was my "do-over" concert.  We had tickets for their show in April 2012, but I was in the hospital...

So anyway, here's the video I shot  in Westbury:

There are better videos than mine, of course:

Yeah, I think you can tell I'm a fan....


  1. HEY, Bet you didn"T know my last name was Moody! hahahahaha Yep, it really is. Love "The Moody Blues" tunes. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. You are a fan - I am too, but the one time I could have seen them, fate intervened and I couldn't go. I love them. Enough said. Alana

  3. Robin,

    The Moody Blues band is a simply pAwesome! They have some great hits, many that I didn't know they did until I started blogging. I am bad when it comes to band names and who did what but Blogopshere is opening my mind allowing me to make better connections in the mewsic world which makes me very happy. :) Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gang, my friend. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

  4. THank you I do LOVE THE MOODIES!!!!!🤣❤️❤️❤️

  5. I've always loved Nights In White Satin. A classic!

    Marie x

  6. Hello, songbird! I appreciate your visit and comment. Love the Moody Blues! My favorite of your selections is "Nights in White Satin." It's great that you were able to see them in person . Recordings are good,but they aren't quite like a live concert experience. Take care.

  7. We really love the Singer in a Rock'n'roll band. That song brings up so many memories. Thanks for all the Moody Blues, songbirdie😸Extra Pawkisses🐾😽💞


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