Another this and that

Becca is going on vacation with "friends" (read that:  the boyfriend I'm not supposed to know about.)  They are headed to the Dominican Republic for a week of tropical sun and sand.

Meanwhile Jen is planning her summer weekends -- her boyfriend will be tending bar on Fire Island again, which means she'll be hanging out at the beach if she wants to see him. 

Marvin's status is still in limbo.  There was some talk of sending him back to Shelley's house, despite all the issues, but he'd have to have a home health care aide.  since it take a couple of months to get approval for an aide, he's staying at the nursing facility for the time being.  Drew is still exploring ways to make it permanent.  In the meantime, he bought some summer clothes and sneakers for Marvin -- Shelley hasn't bothered to bring any of Marvin's things to the facility.

She's still convinced, by the way, that Drew is "trying to take Marvin away from her," that he's being spiteful.  She's not speaking to Drew, she unfriended me on Facebook.  She's alienating a number of her friends, people who think Marvin should stay in the nursing facility.  It's sad, really.

 Even though Marvin's situation is temporarily resolved, we still have the Marc drama and some health issues to be concerned about.   Marc has been better lately, he actually talks to Drew once in awhile.  He even mowed the lawn.

The Fitbit is probably one of the best things I've purchased for myself in a while.  Not only have I gotten beautiful photos of Sunken Meadow and Jones Beach, I've gotten into the habit of walking.  I linked my Fitbit account to my Weight Watchers etools account.  It's really paying off, too.  I've lost 15 pounds since the beginning of March.   It's starting to feel really good.  I've still got some health issues going on, but I'm feeling good.

Drew, on the other hand, is literally counting the days until the end of the school year.  He's not doing well lately, he's looking forward to some down time when the school year ends.

I'm also really looking forward  to the summer --  summer concerts, baseball games, barbecues.  Hard to believe the season kicks off next weekend, with Drew's annual Memorial Day barbecue  --my famous caprese salad., pasta salad, burger, hot dogs, good friends.  We're still thinking "staycation", but Drew raised the possibility of a short road trip towards the end  of July.  He mentioned New England, maybe Maine.  We will have to see how things go.

Yes, things are starting to feel good...
