This and that

 At yesterday’s Mets game, one of  the umpires was a woman!  You go, girl …

Spring training game, no winner — the score was tied at the end of 9 innings, so they chose to stop playing. 

And I’m so happy baseball is back. Spring training is fine, but they don’t show a lot of the games, unlike the regular season …Opening day is in 31 days. 

In the meantime, we’re still bingeing Star Trek: Enterprise.

I bought some nail polish from Amazon.  Since it’s a personal care item, it was shipped in an envelope that read “Amazon pharmacy”, leading Drew to make jokes about “buying good drugs” and was I willing to share?  Yeah, pink is definitely his color …

I probably should have ordered more hand cream while I was at it.  And maybe some cuticle cream.  This winter weather is murder on my skin. I can’t wait for warmer weather.

But at least it’s warm enough to walk the neighborhood.  I really enjoy walking.

The last time I walked, I couldn’t help but notice … driveways.  There was an article on line last week, a local news outlet published a survey of whether the reader thinks they have a proprietary interest in the parking spots in front of the reader’s house. Our driveway can accommodate four cars, and that’s fairly typical of the neighborhood, but there are a lot of people who park on the street.  

Our next door neighbor on one side has a large driveway, but still parks one car on the street in front of his house. 

Our next door neighbor on the other side … the folks we were warned about when we moved in … they have two driveways, each holding two cars.  In addition, they park one car directly in front of their house, and one car on the property line between our house and theirs.  They remember where the property line is when they need to park, but apparently forget where it is when it’s time to shovel snow… remember?

I’m sure they’re lovely people …

Hands are really dry …think I’ll order those creams …


  1. How do you resist parking in front of their house! I know it's petty, but... :)

    1. I prefer to park on my own driveway, I’m not going to be petty about this …. Unless they complain when we have guests — we don’t have guests often, but when we do, we invite a lot of people — I don’t want to start anything.

  2. If someone usually parks in front of their house, I understand being touchy about others parking there. (When I was a young adult, my parking spot was in the street outside the house.) But if no one usually parks there...

  3. It’s great to see women making strides in sports officiating—definitely a positive step forward! And I can imagine how exciting it is to have baseball back, even if spring training games can be a little sparse on coverage.

    As for the nail polish delivery, that's a classic mix-up! It’s always fun when Amazon keeps us guessing with their packaging. Pink is a fabulous color, and I’m sure Drew would rock it!

    I hear you about the winter weather wreaking havoc on your skin; it can be so harsh. Hopefully, spring will bring some relief soon. It’s nice that you can still enjoy walks in the neighborhood. It’s fascinating how people have different views on street parking. It can definitely create some tension between neighbors! It sounds like you have quite the dynamic next door.

    Definitely take care of those dry hands—some good hand cream and cuticle cream will go a long way. Enjoy your walks and the upcoming baseball season!

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