Weekend walk

 So yesterday was sunny and bright … cold, but not unbearable.  I was finally able to take a walk.

I walked south into Levittown.  I walked past at least ten houses that still had some, if not all, of their Christmas decorations on display.  In February.

Saw this guy again.

The next big holiday is Valentine’s Day.  Not a holiday known for extravagant lawn decor.  Though I did see a couple of houses with hearts in the windows.  And a few people have seasonal garden flags, like mine.

On Sunday I walked north, into Hicksville.

We are definitely under a flight path.

This little guy kept looking at me, but turned his head away every time I tried to take his picture

Some interesting architecture

I think that’s a carport

This house has a deck on the side, which makes sense because they don’t have much of a back yard.  But they fenced in the back yard and didn’t fence the side yard/deck area 

Nice wraparound porch.

That’s a roof deck

Two front doors?  

My guess .., that second door is either a professional office, or there’s an apartment on the second floor …

The water tower is a navigational aid.

And yes, my friend on the tractor is still around.


  1. Oh good. Nice time for a walk.

  2. It let cold out side. In my neck of world.

  3. Interesting architecture. I like the side deck, but I wouldn't want to be out enjoying it on display to the neighbors! I thought the second door might go to the kitchen. Unload groceries that way. I don't use my front door much at all, the door from the carport leads into the kitchen, and is just around the corner from the front door.


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