So, what are you reading?

Right now I'm reading a thriller, Steve Berry's The Malta Exchange. It's in the same vein as The Da Vinci Code; the plot revolves around a medieval Order of Knights, the Vatican, Mussolini, conspiracy theories...

The main character is Cotton Malone, American  spy turned mercenary, sent on a mission by British Intelligence. Malone is a recurring character in Berry's novels, but (as Berry indicates on his website), you don't have to read the series in order, each book was written to stand on its own.

Drew recommended the book.  And when I said I was interested, he tried to hand me a hardcover the size of Montana...he is definitely NOT attuned to the e-reader world.  I downloaded the book from my public library, got the audio book as well...

I've only read a few chapters, but so far I am enjoying it. When the main character is confronted by a bear in the first chapter....

If I like this book, I'm sure to read the others in the series.

I just hope I don't run into another Inferno situation -- I loved Angels and Demons,  The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol, and was enjoying Inferno until...well,  I didn't like where  Dan Brown took the story.  And apparently I was not alone, because the ending was completely changed in the movie. My disappointment didn't stop me from reading Origin, but ...well, I wasn't happy...

It isn't often that I stop reading a book or series because I hate what the author has done.  Though last week...I was reading a 9-book series, an ongoing story in the science fiction/fantasy genre.  The books were not particularly well written; even with a healthy dose of "suspension of disbelief"  there were gaps and holes in the plot, but the story was entertaining. And then, in book 7, the author threw us a "plot twist' than made no sense whatsoever, that defied the book's internal logic.A cheap trick, done for shock value.  I felt cheated...and stopped reading the book.  I won't be finishing that series. (and no, I'm not going to identify the books...if you're my friend on Goodreads, you might be able to figure it out, but otherwise...I'll never tell....)


  1. I'm reading "Alice, Princess Andrew of Greece". It is the life story of Prince Phillips mother. It's written by Hugo Vickers and is a fabulous biography of an amazing woman!

  2. Was it a deuxs ex machina? Or just a head-scratcher? I get ticked, too, when the plot goes in a weird direction.

    At the moment I'm reading another book in a series about a SWAT team made up of werewolves and a historical where the governess has changed the little girls' lesson plan to one of piracy. Plus I'm rereading two other books that the less said about them, the better. (Yes, that's four. I have four books going at the moment.)

  3. Interesting reads.

    It was more of a “this makes no sense at all, she had many opportunities to kill the heroine...”


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