
There was a major electrical failure in NYC last night.  The blackout encompassed midtown and the Upper West Side.  Times Square was completely without power.

I’d given some thought to going into the city yesterday, to take photos of Manhattanhenge, but ultimately decided against it.

And my daughter-who-lives-in-Manhattan is ok — her current apartment, on the East Side, was unaffected.  Her former residence, in Hell’s Kitchen, however, was in the “zone of darkness”.

The blackout was a major inconvenience to a lot of people — shows and concerts had to be cancelled — but the city remained calm.

Interestingly, the blackout occurred on 7/13/19, the anniversary of the 1977 city-wide blackout.  On that hot summer night 42 years ago, the entire city was in darkness.  It was a horrible night, with rioting and looting in some of the city’s poorer neighborhoods.    Being a suburban child, I wasn’t directly affected by the 1977 blackout.

I don’t have very clear memories of the Great Northeast Blackout of 11/9/65. I was only 5 years old, and my “memories” are really family stories...

But the blackout of 2003 ... well, that one is still fresh in my mind.  I wrote about it 

Ah, the joy of walking from Wall Street to Penn Station — a distance of 4 miles — in the heat of summer.


  1. Usual our power outage comes from when something fall across the power line usual it super windy.
    Coffee is on

  2. Like the blackout of 1965, the blackout of 2003 affected many areas. New York City is so vulnerable, though, with the reliance on elevators and underground transit. I can certainly share some of my memories of the 1965 blackout (I was 12). Walking in four miles of August heat would have done me in for sure. I salute you. Alana

  3. I saw all about it on CNN. Amazing. They certainly made best of the situation.

  4. I didn't know bout that, interesting! There is no major blackouts in where I live. Greetings from Poland:)


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