another this and that

I spent some time outdoors last weekend, at the community pool and in Drew's back yard. And I got a sunburn. But only on my left shoulder. Can you believe that? Aloe vera gel is my new best friend. Drew is having surgery later today, so I'll be spending my day in a hospital waiting room. Again. Yes, he's had more than a few surgical procedures in the last few years. And each time, I worry... My Idiot Foot is acting up again. I've got an appointment with my doctor on Friday. Sigh. Getting older isn't fun... We're supposed to go to a Ducks game on Saturday. I don't know if Drew will be sufficiently recovered by then. If he feels up to it, we'll go, and we can always leave early if he needs to. If not, well, the Ducks have a very generous policy about exchanging unused tickets. The movie theater near Drew's house is still closed, by the way. That rodent problem must have been difficult to remove... Maybe they should have hired our cat Redford. I've mentioned numerous times that Redford is a very good hunter. A few weeks ago Redford caught... a bat. Yes, a bat. I have no idea how he managed that. My sister called the county and had the bat tested for rabies (it was negative). and then she made sure Redford got his overdue rabies booster.


  1. Gotta get burned once every summer. It isn't summer unless you do :)

  2. As I get older I seem to get burn. But when I was younger I never burned. I guess there advantage having olive tone skin.
    Coffee is on

  3. Glad the bat tested negative or poor Redford would have had to have rabies shots, right? That would be no fun!


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