Take Our Kids to work

Today is "Take Our Kids to Work Day" and my office is entertaining a number of young people, both male and female.  They are learning about the various jobs in this office.

I can remember when the day was known as "Take Our Daughters To Work Day" and was focused on female empowerment, to let our children know that expectations had changed, that girls could aspire to careers other than housewife.  Boys were not included, because we expected them to grow up and choose careers.  I'm glad boys are included now, all children should be exposed to the working world.

My kids, of course, have jobs of their own now.  But when they were younger, they'd sometimes come to my office.

One year I took Jen (then about 9) and Becca (age 7) to court with me.  I had a rather boring conference with the judge.  He didn't even wear his robe or sit on the bench, but sat at a table with us while we worked out some rather mundane legal issues. He did, however, take a few moments to explain how a court works to my daughters. Thank you, your Honor.

Afterwards, though, we met up with my sister, who was an Assitant District Attorney.  My sister brought us to a different courtroom, one where criminal hearings were held. It was lunchtie and the courtroom was empty, so the girls got to sit on the bench, in the jury box,on the witness stand.   A court officer showed us the holding pen where defendants wait until their case is called.  Jen freaked out when she thought we might get locked in the cell. 


  1. I am thinking about this in Turkey however the bosses will not allow to this in my opinion!

  2. I remember when it was take your daughters to work day. They started this long after I was out of school.


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