Music Monday

The blog hop theme this week is:  your choice. 

I seem to have exhausted by "songbirds" vanity topic, so I guess it's time to move on to something else. 

How about the music I listened to in college?

I had this album on vinyl, I recorded it on a cassette tape and played it over and over.  One of my favoites from the album:

(yeah, I know, Long Islanders and Billy Joel....)

I was still in high school when  Rumors was released, but the music became a staple of my college years. A  favo

I really loved this one:

Tume for some Breakfast In America. My favorite cut from that album:

There's a club wed go to every once in awhile, and we'd dance to this:

My first serious "we are committed to this forever" relationship was in college.  His favorite band was Queen.  My love for the music outlasted our relationship.   This one is for Kenny, wherever he is.


  1. Of this set, I like, in particular "The Chain" Didn't like all Fleetwood Mac, but I did like this one a lot. And Supertramp - I had two of their albums. I don't know why I don't feature their music more often. Nice set. Alana

  2. The 80s was a decade of wonderful mewsic. Your playset brings back memories from college days and early career. It's funny to think that this stuff is what they call the oldies now. lol Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang! ;)

  3. It just doesn't get any better than Fleetwood Mac. "Rumors" ranks right up there with Eagles "Hotel California", Elton John "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" and the Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" as far as classic albums are concerned. Great selections today. Have a blessed week.

  4. Great songs. I enjoyed them all. Very nice.

  5. You have rocked the house my friend! Great tunes... hope you had an awesome Easter. Thanks for joining us.

  6. You can never go wrong with Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac and Styx! Those are my favorites! :) Thanks for the dance - hope you're having a great weekend! :)


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