Religious diversity

Over the years I’ve seen many religious types throughout the city New York.  You’ll see them on the street, in the subways,  at the railroad stations.  Jehovah’s Witnesses, who stand quietly with their books and pamphlets.  Evangelicals preaching from their Bibles.  Hasidic Jews in the Mitzvah Mobil — they don’t bother with you unless you tell them you’re Jewish.   Buddhist monks.  Hare Krishnas. Black Hebrews.  

But what I saw Friday night ...

I took the subway from Wall Street to Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn.  The Long Island Railroad has a Station there,  where you can avoid the craziness of Penn Station and catch a train like a civilized human being.  I was walking in the tunnel that connects the subway to the railroad when I noticed a choir.  They were young people, and from the way they were dressed (the girls in long dresses and white bonnets), I assumed they were Amish, or Mennonites.  They were singing hymns.

A little further down was a young man who felt the need to “witness” to passers-by.  He was preaching ... quite loudly.

And a bit further down were two Jehovah’s Witnesses, quietly standing in from of their magazine rack full of pamphlets.

And every time the choir got loud, the young man’s volume increased as well, as if he needed to make himself heard over the noise they were making. I guess the idea of moving to anothe rlocation didn't occur to him.

And the Witnesses looked like they were fighting hard to not laugh ...


  1. Oh, that must have been quite the sight.

  2. Had to google Hasidic Jews. As for around here people leans toward Evangelicals.
    Coffee is on

  3. Oh, New York City can be so entertaining. There is a You Tube video, by the way, taken of the Richland Mennonite Church singing hymns in the New York City subway, so Mennonites would be a possibility all right. Amish, I am no expert on (and reading Amish romance fiction, which I sometimes do, doesn't make me an expert either) but I am not certain they go out and seek converts. If you come to them, I think that might be different. Alana


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