Music Monday

Once again, it's Music Monday.

This week's theme:

‘Songs where a particular instrument has moved you’ – whether it’s a favorite vocal sound, bass line, drumming/beats, piano, guitar solo, …’ 

First thing that came to mind;  not only is is a great song featuring great guitar music, it's also about the guitar.

Next up is a hit from the Monkees.   They were the first band to use a Moog Synthesizer.  This song features the synthesizer:

Now, if you're looking for a beat....

And because I am a Long islander, I feel compelled to round out the set with this:

And a bonus hit, not part of the theme, because I could not help but notice today's date:


  1. I almost picked Piano Man. I think that song got me hooked on the Piano. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, these are all good songs, in fact, played them all. Did I ever mention meeting Davy Jones? What a nice person. Met him in Athen Greece on New Year's Eve.

  3. Wow, great choice there. I didn't know Ringo played with George Harrison. Well, I guess you learn something every day! Never heard the next song... it's quite different this Star collector. hmmmm Well, that's the second time I saw Queen & the same tune. I saw the film just out on him I thought it was awesome. Billy Joel in the Piano Man has always been one of my favorites. Now the taxman... hmmmm are you a Beatles fan? hehehe Taxman is one that I haven't heard in ages... quite different. Have a great rockin' day & thanks for playin' along with us.

  4. Yes, Dolly, I’m a Beatles fan. How did you guess?

  5. 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' is a beautiful song. I always love hearing it! Thankfully, we got our taxes done a few weeks ago. I wished we got something back this year but at the very least what we had to pay wasn't awful. Well...that's questionable should we the taxpayers ever have to pay more taxes? I don't think so but they didn't ask me how I feel about it and demand it anyhow. So, what do you do? You lump it and pay it. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang. have a boogietastic week, my friend!

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch “Max’

    Hit the 4M dance floor with me

  6. Nice hearing these songs again - I sat up straight when I saw "Moog Synthesizer" because Robert Moog went to my high school (no, not at the same time I did). He did a lot of his later work in Ithaca, New York, about an hour from where I live. I had no idea the first band to use this was the Monkees. Such a fun fact!! (I also wondered at the first You Tube video being the first of a 27 song play list. Song #2 was the Boxer, one of my all time Simon and Garfunkel songs, although I somehow don't think you meant to incorporate the entire playlist into your post? Anyway, have a great week, Songbird. Alana

  7. Nice picks, I have heard most of these but these a great classics!


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