Wednesday HodgePodge


As always, Joyce poses interesting questions.

1. They say you learn something new every day. What did you learn yesterday?

I learned that when a major retailer rents space for a store, the lease agreement can be a very, very complicated and verbose document.  (Yes, work related.)

 2. Have you ever had a now or never moment? Elaborate.

I'm sure I have had that kind of moment, but I don't really recall anything. 

 3.  April 25th is National Telephone Day. Do you still have a land line or have you gone mobile only? When you receive a text message do you respond immediately? Last time you turned your phone off?  In two or three sentences share with us a story/memory/incident from your childhood (or something current if that's too hard) where the telephone is featured.

I have a land line at home, but I never use it.  I rely on my cell phone for everything.  Drew, on the other hand, prefers his land line.

I remember being in my high school drama club, and we had a rehearsal on a Saturday.  My parents were supposed to pick me up afterwards, but I was waiting for them long after everyone else had gone.  I used the pay phone to call my house at least a dozen times, but my parents were not at home.  I was stranded.  They showed up almost an hour late.  

My kids never had to worry about being stranded, we all had cell phones.

 4. Close call, at someone's beck and call, call the shots, call a meeting, call it quits, call in sick, call on the carpet, wake up call...which call have you 'heard' recently? Explain.

Most of these apply to me these days. I have a very intense caseload right now, I am at the clients' beck and call.  I'm afraid to make a huge mistake, where I'd be called on the carpet.  But I am supervising the work of others, so I get to call the shots.  todayI am calling a meeting about a very serious law suit, one where we may have to pay out more than $1,000,000, so upper management needs to be aware of the claim.  I'm exhausted, and there are days I want to call in sick.  I dream about winning the lottery and calling it quits.  But I persevere.

 5. What subject do you wish you'd paid more attention to in school?

Science.  Liberal arts and social sciences came easy to me, math and science required work that I wasn't willing to put in at the time. 

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm really loving my Fitbit Versa. and the Fitbit (as well as the other gadgets I bought) is helping me stay on track for healthy eating and exercise. I've lost 7 pounds since March 26.  Not too shabby.


  1. Songbird,

    I'm visiting from Wednesday Hodgepodge. :)

    Gone are the days when we rely heavily on landlines and pay phones. I'm surprised that pay phones can still be found in places but they aren't as common as they once where, though. I'd love to win a $1M then DH could call it quits. We could invest the money wisely and live comfortably on the monthly/quarterly returns (hopefully). If I had a Fitbit anything I'm sure I'd ignore it. I find keeping mental track works well. At this point, I know what works and what doesn't, so everything is good. Congrats on losing 7 pounds. You're right that's not shabby to drop that much in less than a month's time. Way to go!!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'V' Victorian Lady

  2. Congrats on your weight loss! That's pretty fast. You inspired me to dust off my fitbit and start wearing it again. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Imagine telling your teenage self about cell phones... That would have been such a dream for me. Calling from school was always a pain.

  4. I liked your answer to #4. Sounds like you've got a full plate at the moment. Hope work settles down a bit for you soon.

  5. Congrad on your weight lost...Coffee is on

  6. Thanks for coming by, everyone. Yes, my plate is very full right now, this blog is an outlet for some of that frustration. And Liz, I was a science fiction fan in my teens (still am), I would have thought cell phones were part of a story.


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