Wednesday HodgePodge


As always, Joyce poses interesting questions.

1. Three things on your spring bucket list? If you don't have an actual list that's fine, pretend you do.

I don't have an actual list.  But every spring I must go to at least one baseball game, and we recently purchased tickets for several games.  And every year I have to make sure I see the first robin of spring (done).  This year I also want to buy some seeds and plant a flower garden.

2. Where do you find rest? What restores your soul? When was the last time you did whatever it was you answered here?

Interesting question.  I love the beach in the off season.  When it's not crazy busy with summer activity, the beach can be a wonderful place for quiet contemplation and appreciation of nature.

3. April is National Celery Month. Who knew? Do you like celery? What's your favorite dish made with celery? On a veggie and dip platter which would you reach for first-carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes?

My choice would be the cherry tomatoes, but I do like celery.  Spread a little cream cheese or peanut butter, or give me a little bit of dip, and I'll be content.

4. I read here eight things to do before 8 am to make your day less hectic-Start one load of laundry, drink water, empty the dishwasher, read your Bible, know what you're having for dinner, get dressed, brain dump (two lists-one what you're thankful for and one what's weighing on your mind), and after the brain dump make your to-list for the day

How many of these are you currently doing? Which one do you think would help the most if you added it to your early morning routine?

Well, I do make a habit of getting dressed...

5. Describe the view from your window.

My bedroom is on the second floor and faces the front yard and street.  This time of year the view of my neighbors' houses is obscured by newly-grown leaves on our trees, and soon there will be blossoms on the dogwoods.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

My Fitbit Versa has been delivered, and I can't wait to set it up and see how it works.


  1. The first robin that I saw this year was perched on a mound of snow. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. We have had mixed weather but I feel like spring has sprung. Lots of birds here, our bluebirds are nesting in their house and we've even seen one hummingbird at the feeder. I hope to get to a ballgame this year too.

  3. Oh yay, the Fitbit is finally here.

  4. Let me share with you a crazy thing about my Fitbit. It refuses to register my time on the elliptical and stationary bike that I use every morning, but it counts my rocking back and forth in my comfy chair on my porch. Something is wrong with that thing. But, it has been interesting to record my sleep pattern which is very erratic. We have loved watching the birds from our porch this spring and listening to them sing brings so much joy.

  5. I have thought recently about getting a FitBit. I don't know much about them.

  6. Elizabeth, my new Versa replaces a Flex 2. Loved my Flex 2, but it was a bit confused. whenever I'd fold laundry, my Flex 2 registered the activity as "swimming".

    bp, I love my Fitbit. It keeps me motivated, remidns me to move. You should look into one.

  7. Have you seen Seedles? I bought some for my NashvilleDaughter and have ordered some for myself. They are all bee-friendly flowers. I like celery with pimento cheese on it. :)


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