another this and that

Nasty weather today.  Cold and rainy.  But it should be nicer in a couple of days.

Drew and I went to see L on Saturday.  L, you may recall, has sent the ;ast twp years in hospitals and rehab nursing facilities.  A few months ago, L was so sick that her daughter was considering hospice care.  Thankfully she rebounded.  It was good to see the diva holding court with all her visitors at rehab.

I'm still not happy about having gained back some of the weight I worked so hard to lose, but I'm getting back into the groove.  Pretty much stuck to my food plan this week, and even did a bit of exercise.  Baby steps...

The new toys are making it easier.  Though I am still waiting for my new Fitbit...should be here soon.

Guess I'll listen to some music while I wait.



  1. Oooh, Carpenters...

    I'm glad L is feeling better. Being sick is no fun.


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