The Hope

So I try to get to morning services 2-3 times a week, to say Kaddish for my father.  Mourning, as I've said, is a year-long process, and I am observing (as best I can) the proper rituals for mourning.

In the 7 months since my father passed (7 months, can you believe it?) I've observed numerous holidays and life cycle events.

Today we celebrated Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day.  14 May 1948/5 Iyar 5708. The establishment of the State of Israel, the fulfillment of 2,000 years of hoping and dreaming. 

Who else but the Jewish people have so successfully forged an identity by combining religious devotion, shared culture and nationalistic fervor?   A modern, secular state is the embodiment of a wish made two millennia ago, a dream incorporated into every prayer book, the hope of a persecuted minority.

So, we display the Israeli flag in our synagogue.  Our prayer book contains a special prayer for the State of Israel. 

And, in horo fo what my Rabbi referred to as our "miracle on the Mediterranean", today we concluded our services with the singing of Israel's national anthem, HaTikvah.
