Music Monday

 Today we are asked to play Christmas music

I’ve got Monkees on my mind, so let’s hear from them



And I love the harmonies in this one


And switching gears, since Hanukkah is also coming,  a song of the season



  1. I love the Monkees and that last song they did is great! I heard that Hanukkah song from Rambling but it's a good one.

  2. Way ta go Girlfriend! Love your choices... didn't know the Monkees did such cool Christmas Album!!! great show... Thanks for sharing and MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIEND! WOO HOO! MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR! Hey, would you tell Santa I was a good girl this year? TANKS!

  3. Great job my friend... I can't pick a favorite because they're all Christmas tunes and I loves Christmas time! woo hoo!!!

  4. Another great set! "Riu Chiu" is beautiful even if I don't understand it, and the guys did it completely straight, no clowning around. That gets to me.

  5. It can't get much better than the Monkees and the second video had such great animation as far as the water. I've only heard Riu Chiu once before and I love that the Monkees introduce me to this song. And, we picked the same a Capella Hanukkah song. Great minds!

  6. Great Monkees videos and I the Hanukka song is lovely too💜💜💜


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