More this and that

Don’t you just hate it when you’re all prepared for your Zoom and the meeting gets canceled five minutes before start time?  Sigh.

Working from home can be … interesting.  Today one of my neighbors was having major work done on their house.  So of course I heard the resulting noise all morning.

Tomorrow I’m headed to the office.  I like working from home, but I need a change of scenery.

I heard the meteorologist on TV refer to this week’s weather as a “roller coaster”.  Temperatures in the 50’s one day, in the 30’s  the next.  Tomorrow is supposed to be bitterly cold, but things will warm up again for the weekend.  And at least we haven’t seen any snow … 

It does not escape my notice that I’ve been working from my warm and cozy home all this time, but I’ll be traveling to the office on what promises to be a miserably cold day.

Latest culinary effort: potato kugel.  I bought potato pancake mix but didn’t feel like frying the pancakes.  Very messy, and that much oil isn’t so healthy.  So I decided to use the mix to bake a kugel, a savory pudding, instead.  And then I got the idea to bake the mixture in my mini muffin tin.  It came out really nice.  I ate far too much kugel.  I think I’ll use the muffin tin for kugel again.


  1. At least you won't be trudging to the office in snow and ick. It's good to get out of the house sometimes.

  2. It seems to me that going to the office is an agreeable part of the sociability of working. A fifty-fifty split between working from home and being with others seems about perfect to me.

  3. If I could get a desk type job, I think I would love to work from home, at least for a while.

    Potato kugel sounds good. Anything potato sounds good!


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