Music Monday

 And todays theme is “Thankful songs”

Very broad topic, isn’t it?

Well, since we’re still eating leftovers from Thanksgiving around here, let’s start with the Thanksgiving song from Holiday Inn   


And since we’re in a Bing Crosby mood, how about one from White Christmas?


Now let’s talk about friends 


And let’s get rocking’


Maybe a couple from Kelly Clarkson



I had to include  one from the Monkees

And we’ll end with a song we all know, but a very different version of it




  1. I like Bing Cosby singing. The person is anthor story.
    Coffee is on.

  2. Love all of these, especially the two Bing Crosby songs.

  3. Enjoyed the classic parts of your playlist especially - Bing Crosby and the Monkees. Of course, there was Joey Ramone's cover and I liked that, too. P.S. You never got on the linky - I just realized that.


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