Feline Friday

Interesting how cats have different temperaments.

When I come home, Shadow usually greets me at the door and wraps herself around my ankles, as if to say “You’re home!  I’m so happy you’re home!  I thought you were never coming home!  I missed you!”  She’s so excited to see me. You would think I’d been gone for days, not merely a few hours.

Duchess, on the other hand, will look up from her nap, glance at me briefly, as if to say “Oh, it’s you”, and then she’ll go right back to sleep.  She does the same to Drew, barely acknowledging his presence … her display of indifference is underwhelming… although I am certain she misses him.

But my favorite story is about a cat named Cookie.  I’ve told this story before, but it’s a really funny one, so it bears repeating.

Before there was a Duchess at Drew's house, there was a Cookie.  A sweet ginger cat.

My favorite Cookie story?

Drew's father was living in a nursing home in Florida at the time, and Drew flew down for a visit.  He left his car at a friend's house, and the friend drove him to the airport.

When he came back to New York I picked him up at the airport, then drove him to our friend's house so he could retrieve his car.   

I drove to Drew's house, but Drew stopped at McDonald's on the way home -- he hadn't eaten on the plane.

When I walked into the house, Cookie kept looking at me like "Didn't you bring my Daddy home?  Where is he?  Is he with you?"  Poor cat kept looking at the door, expecting Drew to be right behind me...

Then she heard Drew's car on the driveway.  So she lay down on the floor, with her back to the door.  And when he walked it, she feigned indifference...."Oh, it's you..."

Little faker...


  1. Perhaps Duchess has gotten used to your comings and goings. Shadow is still young, after all.

    1. We know Duchess loves us, she’s just more laid back than Shadow

  2. Some cats feel they have to ignore us so we don't get swelled heads. At least, that's what I think. Gotta keep your people in line.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!


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