Music Monday

 And it’s a freedom of choice week.

Just one video today.  If you’re a certain age…It will make you joyful and it will make you cry.




  1. Dang, Paul is really getting old isn't he.. wow! He's still got it though.. love your choices there girlfriend!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY! I'M NEVER UP THIS EARLY WHAT THE HECK AM I DOIN'??? hahahahha Later!!! It's chilly out! brrrrrrrrr

  2. Ahh, what a nice video and such a great Beatles oldie that's so touching! Thanks for sharing and for joining the party, my dea.! Have a boogietastic week!

  3. Wow! They saved their best til last and the video is a marvelous tribute to the group. What started out a one of the most popular boy bands of the early sixties turned into one of the most influencial groups in rock n roll history. What a wonderful melody and lyric.

  4. It's not bad but I am so disappointed in this day of A.I. where they can add John Lennon why not some of George who's guitar playing is sadly missed 🍂🍂🍂💜💜💜

    1. Actually they did use some of George’s guitar playing. From 1995.

  5. Not only was the song amazing but that video - the way the old and new were interwoven, the childhood photos towards the end and then the silent stage. It was amazing videography, aided (as was the song, of course) by technology. Yes, tears.


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