Feline Friday

 So today I’m going back to the fluff that usually fills this blog.

What are these?

That’s not an oven mitt and a potholder.  Those are cat toys!

Or, at least, that’s what Shadow wants us to think.

I saw her carry the oven mitt all the way across the living room.  The potholder made it all the way upstairs.

I love that “Who, me?” look on her face.


  1. In the world of cats, everything is a toy. Ours used to get hold of coins. We got so good we could tell what the denomination was. "John, the cats are playing with a dime..."

  2. The world is theirs, truly, and everything in it is a potential toy. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  3. Well, to be fair, they do look like cat toys. (Cat toys are anything the cat takes a liking to. Usually not things that are sold as cat toys.)


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