Saturday 9


Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Here Comes Peter Cottontail (from the archives)

1) Which do you prefer: colored hard-boiled eggs, chocolate marshmallow eggs, or plastic eggs with coins inside?

I'll take the chocolate marshmallow eggs, thanks.

2) What's your favorite color of Peeps (yellow, purple, or pink)?

Purple.  But the real debate is "fresh or stale"?

3) All this talk of sweets is making Sam hungry. What's for lunch?

Egg salad, cucumber salad and some matzo -- it's Passover.

4) This song was introduced by country singer Gene Autry and it's still a favorite. Please share some of the lyrics. (And you're on your own; Sam didn't include a link to the song this week.)

All I could muster up was:

Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hopping' down the bunny trail,
Hippity, hoppity,

Easter's on its way.

5) Gene Autry was so popular that a town in Oklahoma named itself for him. Have you ever been to Oklahoma?


6) He and his horse Champion also had a TV show. Can you name another famous horse?

Roy Rogers had Trigger.

7) Gene Autry also recorded "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer," and it was, of course, wildly popular, too. Who is your favorite recording artist?

Because of songs like this:

8) In 1950, the year Autry recorded this song, Diner's Club issued the first credit card. Think of the last thing you purchased. Did you use cash, a credit card, a debit card, an e-wallet service (Visa Checkout, Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay ...) or a check?


9) Easter is recognized as the start of the spring season. What are you looking forward to this spring?

I got my two doses of Pfizer.  My mom is vaccinated, my daughters are vaccinated, my sisters have appointments.  Which means we might actually be able to celebrate Mother's Day together. Normalcy, what a concept...


  1. I haven't been to Oklahoma either.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. I would love normalcy. It will be early May before I am fully vaccinated. Good for you all! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend and Happy Easter.

  3. Are "Peeps" never not stale? Great line! Happy Saturday!

  4. Oh--I agree with #9, I can't wait to get my second dose on Wednesday so I can hug my dad for his birthday!

  5. Billy Joel recorded the video just 5 miles from my house. Many of the scenes in the video were filmed all the Connecticut River.

  6. Is there a difference between a fresh and a stale Peep? I like Billy Joel, too. Great songs.

  7. I love Billy Joel, who has written some of the best songs of his era.
    I hope you can get together for mother's day. When I called my sister this morning, she told me she still hasn't gotten an appointment. She was basically abandoned by her %*#%$, who got his last month. We are working on getting her a slot.

  8. Yay for vaccines. Peeps, ugh. Can I say yes to all three eggs? Because hard-boiled eggs are my breakfast before work days. And the other two are fun.


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