
Honestly, you don't need an e-reader if you have the right apps on your tablet, but and e-reader does make life easier.

Remember last year, I bought a Kindle? I was having issues reading outside with my iPad, I'd go down to the river on my lunch hour and try to read, but I had issues with glare and the device would overheat.  The Kindle cured the problems.

But my first e-reader was a First Generation nook, a device no longer supported by Barnes & Noble, and most of my library is on nook.

So now I have a nook.

Yes, I am self indulgent.

The devices are mostly comparable, but I think I like the nook design better than the Kindle.  While all of the controls for the Kindle are on the screen, the nook offers real buttons to turn the pages and return to the home screen.  The nook is slightly larger, which gives you more screen.  Both offer a paperlike screen to read in sunlight, and a built-in light for reading in bed.

Here are both devices.  The Kindle is the one at the top of the photo.

The Kindle has a slight advantage, you can download library books to your device using apps like OverDrive and Libby. Kindle also offers Kindle Unlimited, a pay-per-month service that allows you to borrow Kindle books from Amazon. Barnes & Noble offers a host of free books for nook.

My summer season usually includes a lot of time spent at the community pool or walking at the beach, seeing the latest blockbuster movies, attending baseball games, and lots of time enjoying local restaurants.   Seems I won't be doing much of that this year, but I will be spending a lot of time in the back yard. least I will have my e-readers, and my books.


  1. Replies
    1. You don't really need one. I am being very self indulgent by having two and an iPad.

  2. You can side load books onto the Nook using Calibre (it's a free download online). I initially got my Nook because you could check out library books on it and not the Kindle. Not so anymore...

    1. Yeah, I was able to side load books onto my old nook. I can load library books to the Kindle in a few easy steps.

  3. I use the kindle app on my phone. But I like the voice app better as it reads back to me.


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