This is America?

Today I saw something I never imagined I'd see in this country.

A CNN reporter, his producer and his cameraman were arrested on the air during a broadcast.  

Minneapolis is burning.  The outrage over police brutality is erupting. An African American man died during an arrest when a police officer held him down by placing a knee on the man's neck until he suffocated.   The man, George Floyd, was arrested for forging a check.  He did not resist arrest, as video proved.

CNN reporter Omar Jimenez was reporting on the protests and rioting.  He was on the air when officers approached.  He pulled out his press pass, told them he was standing where he was told to stand, but would gladly move if so directed. And he and his crew were arrested.

If I had not seen the video I would never have believed that something like that could happen in America.


  1. We are seeing so much of "I can't believe this is America" in the past three years. I was in my late teens in 1968. We thought so much had changed. It hasn't. The little that has changed is only because of cell phone cameras. What happened to the CNN reporter is just one example of how journalism can be so dangerous to those who report. They deserve our respect. Alana

    1. I’m shaking with rage and fear. I was 8 in ‘68, I don’t remember much, but I know it was a year of upheavals. This year has the same feel ...

  2. Lately, I've been thinking that this all had to happen. Something huge had to happen to throw us out of our complacency. We've been slowly devolving into hate and division for a while now, but it's been so slow many of us didn't notice. Only with an explosion such as this will many "wake up" to the problems.

    Not everyone will, though. And we've got to stop coddling and pandering to them.

    1. Biden seems to be planning an FDR-sized presidency, trying to fix all the problems that the Trump presidency has brought to the foreground.

  3. That is all I have been thinking about today. I cannot believe that this is my country. My home. I hardly recognize it anymore. So, so, sad!


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