Sunday stealing

1. What do you think is the greatest television show of all time?

Right now my mind is still on yesterday's space launch, of course that will influence my answer.  But I will have to say Star Trek.  The original series portrayed a better life for all of us in the future,  an existence when our differences were embraced and relished, where IDIC --  Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, the basis of Vulcan philosophy, celebrating the vast array of variables in the universe -- was a guiding principle. The concepts of acceptance and understanding continued throughout the Star Trek universe, in all the shows and movies that followed the original series. And so much of our pop culture is filled  with references to the show, in all its iterations.  In the dark and terrible times we are living through, I hold out hope for a future as envisioned by Star Trek.

2. Would you rather win a Nobel Prize or an Academy Award?

A Nobel. It means I will have contributed something of value to this world.

3. What one food would you banish from this earth if you could?

Oysters.  Can't stand them.

4. What’s the scariest story you’ve ever heard?

I scared myself silly reading Stephen King's Carrie.

5. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

I've met several celebrities at meet-and-greets, book signings, etc.  But one of my favorite encounters was Anthony Federov. You might remember him from American Idol.

It was  July 2007.  My daughter Becca decided to make her 15th birthday a "girls night out". There were 15 of us -- my two sisters and I chaperoned 12 teenage girls.  We took the girls into NYC to see an off Broadway production of The Fantasticks.  It was a small theater, maybe 400 seats all told, and Federov was playing "The Boy".
After the show, the girls decided to wait for Federov at the stage door.  It was well worth the wait.  Federov made Becca feel like Cinderella at the ball. He signed autographs and took pictures with all the girls. Then he KISSED Becca. And he SANG to her -- "Happy Birthday Rebecca".   I thanked him for making Becca's night so special.

6. What’s something you’ve done that most people wouldn’t know or guess about you?

I taught myself how to ride a horse when I was 9.  We had horses at my day camp, and the stable grooms would put the kids on a horse's back and lead the horse around.  I told the guy I knew how to ride and that he didn't have to lead the horse.  I lied.

7. You’re strapped in a rocket ship about to go to the moon. Are you thrilled? Or terrified?

Both.  I've always dreamed of space travel.

8. What is the correct way for toilet paper to sit on the roll?

Les No! You MONSTER 0 Toilet Paper Debate Archives - Welcome to O ...

9. Talk about a mistake you made, or something you regret.

I've always thought you shouldn't regret your mistakes if you learn from them.  Over the course of my life I have learned a lot.  

10. What would be the best gift I could give you?


But if you're talking about material things...

2020 Ferrari GTC4Lusso - Overview - CarGurus
Buy me one, please?

11. What makes you feel better when you’re sad or stressed?

Hershey's 5-Pound Chocolate Bar Bulk Candy

12. What is the most romantic movie you’ve ever seen?

Here's looking at you, kid | Times Tribune Blogs

13. What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

I was in my 20's.  I had just broken up with my boyfriend.  I went to a singles  dance.  My ex was there.  I absolutely HAD to meet SOMEONE that night. I met a geeky guy named Bob, gave him my phone number, and a few days later he picked me up for a date.

It was a warm summer evening.  We drove over to Jones Beach and walked along the boardwalk.  We stopped at the band shell for a little while and listened to the music.  By this point I knew we were not compatible. He was nice enough, but not my type.

Later in the walk, he put his arms around me and kissed me.    Then we walked back to his car and he drove me home.

I guess it would have been romantic, had we been dating awhile, but this was our first date. And he didn't offer to buy me so much as a coke at the refreshment stand.  I didn't expect to be taken out to a fancy dinner, but really ...

And in the car, he asked me when he could see me again.  And I was honest, and told him there wouldn't be a second date. I was gentle, 
told him he was nice but that there were no sparks.

And then he asked me "Am I a good kisser?" After I recovered from the shock of being asked such a question, I lied and said "yes".

If that's the worst date I ever had, though, I guess I did OK.

14. What is the glue that keeps couples together?

I'll let you know when I figure it out for myself.

15.  What was your first crush.

Davy Jones - Monkees, Songs & Death - Biography

16. When did your parents talk to you about the birds and the bees?

Fifth grade.  There was a mother-daughter night at school about adolescence.  I'm sure there were other talks before that about basic stuff, but that was the first time I heard all the details.

17. What is your greatest achievement?

18. Were you close to your parents growing up?

I loved both parents, but I was much closer to my mom than to my dad.

19. What was the most life-changing event you’ve ever experienced?

Giving birth.  

20. Have you ever had a falling out with a friend? What happened?

More than once. Sometimes you argue and get back together.  Sometimes not.  And sometimes they just "ghost" you and you don't know what went wrong.


  1. Oysters - I agree - some things should never be eaten.



  2. man, that's the truth... sometimes they just ghost you. I love your answers, and that you answered the questions at all, and your deliver with a mix of photos and words. Fun! LeeAnna at not afraid of color
    ps, oysters, yuck!

  3. What interesting answers! I loved Davy Jones, too.

  4. Great first crush! And Star Trek - that is a great choice of TV show.

  5. Do you still ride horses or was that the only time?

    1. The last time I ever rode was in 1986, at an all inclusive resort in the Poconos.

  6. Very interesting answers from you today, Ms. Songbird! I enjoyed them all and I'm not even sure which one(s) to comment on as I've had so many thoughts reading them. I guess I'll stick to Star Trek, which I have always liked (the original, anyway). I never really got that there was all that philosophical stuff going on!

  7. The toilet paper pic made me laugh out loud! Thanks! we need laughs during this stressful time. Your greatest achievements are beautiful!


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