Music Monday MTV

And it's a "your choice" week.

2020 has become a terrifying year.  I can’t watch the news without feeling fear rise up in me ...

So I wanted to return, however briefly, to happier days.

Remember, back in the 80's, all those great videos on MTV?

Dire Straights even mentioned MTV in a lyric:

Peter Gabriel was kind of weird:

Robert Palmer videos had lots of lipstick.

Before he got creepy, Michael Jackson knew how to tell a story.

Cyndi Lauper knew how to have fun:

And Madonna was always controversial.

Devo taught us how to whip it...

Tin roof....rusted.

Here's one of my favorites:

And last but not least, a video popular in the 2000’s, when my kids were in high school, a salute to my generation.


  1. Classics from back in the day. Very nice. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. All excellent songs from the days when MTV really was "music television."

  3. What a time. I lived through the 1960's. Now I am living through this. History is rhyming with a fury and with "value added" - a pandemic. I know all of these songs, and it's quite a playlist, perfect for these times. Alana

  4. "This song is just six words long". Whenever I hear that song, I think of the Weird Al version.

  5. Alright... money for nuthin' Chicks for free... man did the guys sing the hell outta that one! hahahaha I'll tell ya the video for Beat It always reminded me of West Side Story, but it was cool anyway. Ya know, if Michael Jackson would've left his color alone and his nose to say the least & other things to try to change himself he'd be alive today! Boy, that Love Shack video sure looks like Katy Perry is in it. Do you know if that's her??? DANG! Oh yeah, George Harrison's tune was awesome & your last tune.. Bowling for Soup??? Nope, never heard that one before... Madonna's tune is okay, but never really cared for her either. Some of her tunes I liked, but not her. So ANYWAY GREAT JOB Girlfriend!!! YOU ROCKED THE HOUSE! AWESOME!

  6. My mum remembers those times well! Great tunes :)

  7. Robin,

    The events of the past week are disturbing. MSM capitalizes, fueling the anger and fear in people. God is not a god of color but a savior of mankind. God loves us all so why can't we love one another? *sigh* Let's keep this nation in prayer and ask for God to work on the hard hearts of others because that's where change, true change for this problem and many others begins.

    Now, you really took me back to the day when mewsic really shined. I didn't watch MTV because it was on too late for me. Yeah, I'm funny like that. I was the girl who fell asleep first at sleep overs, usually getting pranked. :D For most of the 80s, I listened to the radio frequently and that's when they played all of these fabulous tunes. The DJs really rocked the airwaves. Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, MJ, and all these other artists ruled the day, didn't they? Crazy, wonderful times that was! Take me away Calgon! Thanks for putting us all in a great mood with your song picks this week, my dear. Stay safe and be well. Oh yeah, have a boogietastic week!! xx

  8. Loved the songs and watching MTV too😺Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  9. I absolutely agree - 2020 has definitely become a terrifying year. I LOVE YOUR SONG CHOICES! Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to shout... ;) You can never ever go wrong with 80s music - and I sure miss MTV! Thanks so much for the awesome trip down memory lane... :)


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