Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Ever played the game Farkle? Are you a risk taker? In games only or also in life?

I've played Farkle, but only on an app on my iPad. Fun game, very risky.  I can be very wild when it doesn't really matter.  But when I have something to lose, I am more cautious.

2. What's your favorite thing about your yard or whatever outdoor space you may have?

Right now I am at Drew's house.  He's got a small back yard, but I like it.  Very sunny, but there's a covered patio.

3. Tell us about the most interesting building you've seen or been in.

The Gugenheim Museum. Take the elevator up as high as it will go, then start walking's one continuous spiral until you get to the ground.

4. In this current season of social distancing, what's something you've come to realize you take for granted in more ordinary times? Do you think you'll make a conscious effort to appreciate whatever that 'it' is once normal life resumes?

Just being able to go out without thinking about where I need to go, what I need to buy....being spontaneous....

5. Share a favorite song with a springtime flower in the lyrics somewhere.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

It wasn't unexpected, but Broadway has officially canceled shows through September 6.  I miss live theater.


  1. One must wonder when this will all end? I'm afraid we are in this for the long haul.

    1. Broadway canceled until September....yes, this is a long haul.

  2. I'm with you on missing being able to be spontaneous!! That museum does sound very interesting. Glad you have a yard with patio to enjoy.

  3. I know what you mean about being spontaneous. I had to remember that my dad's birthday is Monday and I need to get him a card. Which meant a trip out, which became a whole thing...

    I have never heard of Farkle.

  4. I am some where between spontaneous and having my ducks in row


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