#skywatchfriday -- another flyover

So this happened.

Right over Drew's house!

The plane was gone by the time I got out the phone...but I got the helicopters.


  1. It's a nice gesture. A moment of happiness in the neverending nightmare of the NY Metro area. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. We just had the jets fly over about a half hour ago. We didn't see them, but we could hear them.

  3. That's pretty cool! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. I don't believe we've had a flyover because the man in the White House is annoyed at our governor.

  5. I obtained less than a one-second burst of four photos of the Blue Angels as they passed between the trees about 5 miles away. My neighbors and I were ready for them to fly over a hospital which was quite close by, but no luck!


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