I think I’m in love...

...with my new Kindle Paperwhite.

I haven’t had an e-reader since I stopped using my first generation nook.  I loved my nook, but Barnes &Noble stopped supporting that device awhile ago.  Mine still works, but it no longer syncs to the nook app.  So it’s fairly useless unless I want to load books from my laptop and read them exclusively on the device.

For the most part I’ve been reading on my iPad, which has its limitations.  My iPad doesn’t like to spend time in direct sunlight, especially when I’m reading on a park bench during lunch hour — the device tends to overheat.

Reading in bed with an iPad mini was easy, but with a full sized iPad...

Yes, I know, first world problems.

I participated in a research project for a well-known retailer last month.  Each participant received an Amazon gift card as a thank you.  The card went into my account two days before Prime Day.

My new toy:

I put it next to the phone so you can compare size.

And next to the iPad...

Works like a dream, syncs without issue.  And so lightweight.  With Kindle Unlimited and Audible ...

And I can easily load library books to Kindle, an advantage over the current nook devices.

Yes, my new toy and I are going to have lots of fun.


  1. I remember I got a nook initially because it would sync library books while the Kindle would not. Now, I've got over 300 books from B&N and just a handful from Amazon. Sigh.

  2. I’m now lusting after a nook glow light. Our public library uses kindle, but I have a lot of books on my nook app.


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