Sunday stealing

1. Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?

Never really gave it much thought...I guess I prefer black.

2. Do you prefer living in the country or the city? about both?  Small apartment in the city, weekend country home....

3. How do you drink your tea or coffee?

Coffee -- milk or half and half
Tea -- nothing added, except maybe some honey occasionally

4. Do you prefer bath or shower?


5. Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?

I own a Kindle and a nook, and I've downloaded Kindle, nook and Libby  to the figure it out...

6. Would you ever want to be famous?

I used to dream about being famous, but...honestly, it sounds like a royal pain.

7. Are you a restless sleeper?

Yes.  I move around a lot.

8. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

Hmmm...I do like food a lot of different types of food...So what I consider normal might be strange to someone else...How about Banh Mi?  It's a Vietnamese sandwich.  The filling could be something like lemongrass chicken or beef satay with peanut sauce, very Asian, but served on a French baguette.  Makes sense when you know the history of the country, but ...weird...

9. Do you like cereal crunchy or soggy?

Crunchy.  Sometimes I skip the milk and eat the cereal dry.

10. Do you like ice in your drinks?

Funny you should ask.  When we go to a restaurant or fast food place, Drew always orders his soda without ice, and I always order mine with ice.

11. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?

My parents installed a pool in our back yard, so that's what I'm most used to.  But I love the beach.

12. What can you hear right now?

The ticking of the clock  on the wall -- it's very quiet in the house today.

13. Where do you feel the safest?

In my bed.

14. What would you like your legacy to be?

My daughters. I hope I've raised them to be strong, independent women who are also empathetic and compassionate.

15. Do you like spicy food?

If it's moderately spicy I'm good...but very spicy, not so much.


  1. My husband and I are the for me and none for him.

    1. Yeah, I don’t get it, soda without ice, but he likes it

  2. Ah, a pied-a-terre in the city! Your ideal lifestyle sounds so glamorous and continental!

  3. Very nice legacy! God bless and happy Mother's Day!

  4. I had Banh Mi in Vietnam last year in Ho CHi Minh city in a street food restaurant. It was lovely.




  5. If I'd had children, that would have been my answer.

  6. For a pen, I am more picky on the tips. But cause of my work my paper work needs to be done in a blue or black ink. There been time I thought of doing my paper work in multi color ink

    1. You are so creative. But you do what you need to do for official paperwork

  7. When I was a kid, I hated ice in my drink. Now, it's a must.

    I see that you wish to visit Vietnam. Do you follow or ? Married couple living in Vietnam for the last couple years.

  8. I like to have ice...but not so much ice that there is no my friend and I order with light ice and they just put in about half of what they normally would. It works. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!

  9. Banh Mi sounds delicious. I don't know that I have ever had it.

    1. I used to go to a Vietnamese restaurant with coworkers. We'd order spring rolls and pho (a noodle soup), and get Bahn Mi to go for another meal.


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